
Entertainment Weekly Reveals Lost Clues

EW reports that we will be getting some answers when Lost returns. We'll get the scoop on Jack's tattoos, Locke's wheelchair, and Desmond's "abilities". Damon Lindelof even goes so far as to say that Desmond's new powers will be a big time factor in the remainder of season 3.

Lindelof also says the following about Juliet: "Her agenda is more in line with the castaways than we originally suspected but that does not mean she is not sinister."

About the implosion of the Hatch he says, "There is definitely more to this story. You will get a better picture of what happened when Desmond turned the fail safe key."

Finally, on the question of who is Jacob and why is Jack not on his list Carlton Cuse answered, "The answer lies further downstream in the ongoing story." And Lindelof reminds us that character names in Lost are not assigned without reason.

Source: Approaching Lost

Others Power Stuggle

Approaching Lost informs us of an upcoming Others power struggle via an interview with Michael Emerson.


Lost Moment #2

Featuring an interesting conversation between Hurley and Locke.


10 New Lost Spoilers

BuddyTV gives 10 new Lost spoilers in a recent article. These spoilers are not for the faint of heart. In other words, after reading this article you will know a lot more about how Lost will look after the break. All I can say is that it is gonna be sweet. Less than three months left...

Josh Holloway as Gambit!!!

Movie Hole reports that Josh Holloway is being tapped to Gambit in one the next X-Men pictures. How is that for perfect casting? He's as perfect for that role as Hugh Jackman is for Wolverine and Patrick Stewart is for Professor X. Comic fans rejoice!

Episode 3.11 Spoiler

The Tail Section reports that episode 3.11 will be Sayid-centric.


Lost Wins Fan Popularity Rating

Lost is on top of BuddyTV's Fan Popularity Rating going into it's hiatus.

Lost Music Video

A music video featuring Lost clips from seasons 1,2, and 3 called "Demons" by Brian McFadden has been posted at abc.com. The song's pretty good and they did a good job picking the clips. It's worth watching.


Lost Filming Update

Check out this Lost filming update courtesy of the Lost Podcasting Network.


Doc Jensen's Latest Lost Theories

At least while Lost is on hiatus we have Doc Jensen to feed us a steady diet of the most interesting (and sometimes wacky) Lost theories. This week he theorizes about Kelvin's purpose on the island (his place in the overall mythology) and Juliet's need for revenge.

IGN's Top 50 Lost Loose Ends

Wow. Check out this comprehensive list of Lost loose ends that everyone wants answered. Kudos to the people at IGN for this sweet list. Enjoy!

Will Jack Be Killed Off?

Kristen a E! asks Damon Lindelof whether there is truth to the rumors that Lost will kill off Jack. The answer is comforting...sort of.

Will Libby Return in Flashbacks

Ask Ausiello asks the Damon Lindelof whether we will find out the rest of Libby's backstory.


Episodes 3.07, 3.08, and 3.09 Spoilers!!!

BuddyTV gives us an inside look at Episodes 3.07-3.09. It appears that episode 3.07 will be a Juliet flashback that tells us she was married to Ethan! And, because of that, Juliet goes looking for some revenge! Episode 3.08 will be a Jack flashback that features his time in Thailand and episode 3.09 will be Desmond-centric. Enjoy the Lost info!

TV Guide's Matt Roush Answers Lost Fan Questions

In his column, Ask Matt, Matt Roush answers questions from Lost fans about if the show should do the season 24-style, how Daybreak will affect Lost, and the disappearance of Lost love triangles.


Top 10 Questions Answered by Damon Lindelof

A Lost watching group that included a member of Lindelof's family got him to agree to answer 10 questions about the show. Check out his answers here.

Top 10 Signs You're Obsessed with Lost

10. After each episode, you do an all-kitty reenactment in your basement

9. You refer to your in-laws as "The Others"

8. While visiting New York, you stood over every manhole and screamed, "Good God -- a secret hatch"

7. You're halfway to your goal of licking every cast member

6. Your friend phoned during "Lost." Next day you beat him to death with a hot poker

5. You pitched NBC a show about 12 people stranded backstage at "Saturday Night Live"

4. Co-workers affectionately refer to you as "That loser who's obsessed with 'Lost'"

3. Renamed dental practice "Flost"

2. Your wife is getting sick of playing the bedroom game "Find the castaway"

1. You sat through all ten of these lame jokes

Source: The Late Show with David Letterman


Official Lost Podcast Summary 11-6-06

Once again Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof sat down to answer questions about Lost. Here's a summary of all the new and interesting things they said:

1. They killed Eko because they had a deal with AAA that he would be on for a little more than a year and no more.
2. There are other Tailies alive, we just don't know where they are. We will be seeing Cindy, the flight attendant, and Zack and Emma, the kids, in episode 3.08.
3. The assumptions that the Monster was downloading memories from Eko in the 23rd Psalm and that Yemi was a manifestation of the island generated by the Monster are good ones.
4. Eko said "You're next" and Locke interpreted it as "We're next".
5. Eko died on his own terms.
6. The producers wouldn't answer if the island was constantly moving.
7. We might come to learn what happened to all the doctors in future episodes.
8. Our time on "alcatraz" will be over in episode 3.06.
9. Damon and Carlton use The Stand and Charles Dickens novels as good models for telling a long, sprawling, serialized character-based story.
10. We will return to the Black Rock.

Source: ABC

Will Paulo be a regular on Lost?

BuddyTV attempts to answer if Paulo will be a regular on Lost.


Episode 3.06 Sneak Peek 1

Episode 3.06 Sneak Peek 2

Nikki and Paulo Get a Flashback Episode

The Tail Section is reporting that Nikki and Paulo will get a flashback episode that explores what they were doing while all the original adventures from season one and two were happening. Should be fun to see what the world of the island looks like from a different, less involved perspective.


Mr. Eko Says Goodbye

Here's a link to a great L.A. Times article about the end of Mr. Eko. The best part about the article is when Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse chime in about why it was Mr. Eko's time. I've copied that part below for your enjoyment.

"With the other characters who died — Boone, Shannon, Ana Lucia and Libby — "there was a quotient of shock value but there was the idea that it made sense, that it was the characters' time," co-creator Damon Lindelof said. "I think the audience may feel that Mr. Eko was taken before his time. The way that he dies is very significant. It is more spectacular, as it were."

When planning Mr. Eko's untimely demise, the writers looked at the episode in the second season in which Mr. Eko came face-to-face with the monster inhabiting the island and refused to relent, Lindelof said. What if the monster did not give up, as it seemed at the time? What if the monster was "just intelligence-gathering for a later date?"

"We wanted to make clear that the monster remains a dangerous force," executive producer Carlton Cuse said."

Lost Comments of the Week on Pop Candy

Here is the link to the Lost comments of the week on Pop Candy. Take note of number nine posted by Frank. He has a great insight into the "To Kill A Mockingbird" reference by Juliet. Also, the observation about Nikki and Paulo as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern is interesting as well.

The Tail Section Presents Mini-Season Awards

Check out the mini-season awards at The Tail Section. Who would you choose in those categories? Let us know.


Easter Eggs from Episode 3.05

Lost Easter Eggs delivers more screen shots from last night's episode including Eko, the Monster, and Patchy.

Canadian TV 3.06 Promo

Ausiello Talks with Carlton and Damon about Eko's Death

The Ausiello Report features an interview with Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof about why Eko kicked the bucket. Apparently it was in the plans that his arc would only last a certain amount of time.

Episode 3.05 The Cost of Living

First, a moment of silence for Eko, the best character to come out of the tail section.

Alright, now that's taken care of...what a great episode. It had a little bit of everything we have come to love about Lost. Trust issues, psychological issues, moral choices, a quest through the jungle, a white rabbit, and the Monster. Oh yeah, and the flashback was first rate. The flashback was right up there with Eko's from the 23rd Psalm. He was right, they had no idea who he was.

So Eko experiences a white rabbit much like Jack (his father), Hurley (Dave), Kate (the black horse), and Shannon (Walt). The white rabbit led the follower into harm's way with Hurley (suicide) and Shannon (to Ana Lucia's gun). It is becoming increasingly bad news to follow the white rabbit into the jungle. The white rabbits must be real because otherwise how would Eko's tent have caught fire? Also, the whole "You're talking to me as if I was your brother" line made me wonder who is behind the white rabbits. Ben? Some other group? Someone out there is making people believe they see something from their past. If the end game is just killing people, that is sort of an odd way to go about it. Is the Monster a greater threat than the Others? If it is, great, how are you supposed to kill a moving tower of smoke? Jack even tried dynamite and that didn't do anything. At least he's having better luck with his current captors.

How did Jack figure out that it was Ben that had the spinal tumor? Can he figure out the height or age of a person by looking at a spine. I'd be interested to hear from a spinal surgeon on that one. Anyway, Jack is getting ahead of the Others now. His psychological gamesmanship and the ability to see those x-rays for what they were has helped him gain control despite being imprisoned. Good old Jack.

They burnt the body instead of burial. I guess they didn't want the bears to dig it up.

So Desmond did think/know that the computer could be used for something else. That would have been nice to know at the beginning of season two so that Michael didn't get tricked so bad. Since it didn't end up working I'm assuming that it was not Desmond's ability to see the future that made him tell Locke and Sayid about the computer.

Ben believes in God because two days after being diagnosed with a tumor a spinal surgeon fell from the sky. Interesting.

Yemi's body was missing from the plane, Christian Shepard's body was missing from his coffin. Why does the Monster or whoever is behind the Monster need or want the remains of people connected to others on the island? At least we are seeing a pattern.

I am starting to like Nikki and Paulo. They just want to part of the in crowd. Good thing Locke lets them. I also like Paulo's indifference to a lot of what is happening. Going the bathroom in the Pearl Station. Classic moment. Nikki is good because we need a new female character that doesn't have quite the outlaw back story of Kate or the mystery of Juliet. Plus, she's hot, that's always a plus.

So Juliet does think Ben is bad. She wants Jack to purposely screw up the surgery to kill Ben. Can he trust her? She is good looking. But I doubt Jack will be able to kill, even if he does want her. He is too bent on saving people. I think he would need to know more about Ben and how "bad" he really was in order to kill him.

And now the Monster wants to kill the rest of the group? Great. Why did it discriminate before? Did blowing up the Hatch piss the Monster off? Apart from that nothing has really changed. Darn you black smoke!


Episode 3.06 Spoiler

I found this "Kate's choice" spoiler on a random blog through Technorati. I'll post the entry below.

"Someone from TWoP read the script of Kate's episode and Kate's choice is.... SAWYER. No, this is not a surprise for me but still, is very very good to hear. BUT the good thing is... Okay, Sawyer tells Kate there is two islands. There is a bickering and at some point I think (from what I read)Sawyer says he wanted to give them a chance (I think there is a double meaning because I think he meant chance to escape and to be a couple or whatever). Dun Dun Dun DUUUNNN than Kate KISS HIMMMMMMM *dies of excitement*. The person didn't want to read all the script because she didn't want to be really spoiled so she stopped there... but she implies they may have sex. Just like Damon implied, now if they did it MY TV WILL COMBUST and I WILL NEED A DOCTOR. Must teach my sister to make a CPR!!!!

Spoiler: 'Sawyer tells Kate that there are two islands, there's no point trying to escape, then they bicker about it and then, well, I stopped reading (see above) but you probably imagine what happens next. Think dirty thoughts'."

Elizabeth Mitchell Interview on TVguide.com

Here is an interview with Elizabeth Mitchell that offers a tiny (and I mean tiny) bit of insight into her character and also reveals how little the writers and producers let the actors know about what's going on.

Who is Patchy?

Gregg Nations, Script Supervisor for Lost, answered a question on The Fuselage about whether "Patchy" from last week's preview was Radinsky (formerly Kelvin's partner in the Hatch). Here's what he said:

Radzinsky is in the previews? Uh, no. We haven't seen Radzinsky because he's dead. We could only see him in a flashback. So you're a little off with that guess.

So that means "Patchy" is someone who is alive, right? Guess we'll see tonight.

J.J. Abrams to Direct 'The Office"

According to this newsday.com article, J.J. Abrams will be directing an episode of 'The Office' that will air in February.

Lost Winds Towards Startling Mini-Season Finale

BuddyTV reports that if you have left Lost this season you may want to check it out these last two weeks because of the startling revelation that the producers say will change everything about what we think we know about the island.

Don't worry, other Lost fans won't be mad at you for jumping back on the bandwagon, we want as many people watching Lost as possible. The watercooler conversation is a lot better that way.