
What to fix about DVRs

On Monday, the first fifteen minutes of Prison Break was preempted by President Bush's speech about 9/11. Not that I mind the President had to give a speech and Fox had to cover it (ok maybe a little). I was ticked that my DVR on my Dish Network receiver couldn't figure out that Prison Break started 15 minutes late and change its schedule accordingly. I had to go download the episode off the web just to see the final 15 minutes, which coincidentally, were the best 15 minutes of the episode. Someone needs to come up with a way to make DVRs smarter and realize that what they are taping started late or in the case of sports, is finishing late. I know that DVRs have extended stop times for sporting events but if you aren't careful, the extended stop time won't even catch the end of a really long overtime game. The first company that figures out how to create a smart DVR will quickly become the industry leader. It is just a simple matter of delivering what the customers need and then reaping the benefits. Hopefully someone from TiVo will read this. You have my permission to use this idea and not even give me credit for it. A free DVR would be nice though.

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