On Hiatus
ABC Gives Out Some Lost Spoilers
#2 Best Moment of TV in 2006
New Lost Moments
Matthew Fox on Season 3
Fan Theories About Lost's Ending
Doc Jensen's Latest Theory
Lost Filming Without Matthew Fox
Lost Moving to 10pm
Matthew Fox Pokes Fun at Lost on SNL
Desmond's Flashback
Entertainment Weekly Reveals Lost Clues
EW reports that we will be getting some answers when Lost returns. We'll get the scoop on Jack's tattoos, Locke's wheelchair, and Desmond's "abilities". Damon Lindelof even goes so far as to say that Desmond's new powers will be a big time factor in the remainder of season 3.
Lindelof also says the following about Juliet: "Her agenda is more in line with the castaways than we originally suspected but that does not mean she is not sinister."
About the implosion of the Hatch he says, "There is definitely more to this story. You will get a better picture of what happened when Desmond turned the fail safe key."
Finally, on the question of who is Jacob and why is Jack not on his list Carlton Cuse answered, "The answer lies further downstream in the ongoing story." And Lindelof reminds us that character names in Lost are not assigned without reason.
Source: Approaching Lost
10 New Lost Spoilers
Josh Holloway as Gambit!!!
Lost Music Video
Lost Filming Update
Doc Jensen's Latest Lost Theories
IGN's Top 50 Lost Loose Ends
Will Jack Be Killed Off?
Episodes 3.07, 3.08, and 3.09 Spoilers!!!
Top 10 Questions Answered by Damon Lindelof
Top 10 Signs You're Obsessed with Lost
10. After each episode, you do an all-kitty reenactment in your basement
9. You refer to your in-laws as "The Others"
8. While visiting New York, you stood over every manhole and screamed, "Good God -- a secret hatch"
7. You're halfway to your goal of licking every cast member
6. Your friend phoned during "Lost." Next day you beat him to death with a hot poker
5. You pitched NBC a show about 12 people stranded backstage at "Saturday Night Live"
4. Co-workers affectionately refer to you as "That loser who's obsessed with 'Lost'"
3. Renamed dental practice "Flost"
2. Your wife is getting sick of playing the bedroom game "Find the castaway"
1. You sat through all ten of these lame jokes
Official Lost Podcast Summary 11-6-06
1. They killed Eko because they had a deal with AAA that he would be on for a little more than a year and no more.
2. There are other Tailies alive, we just don't know where they are. We will be seeing Cindy, the flight attendant, and Zack and Emma, the kids, in episode 3.08.
3. The assumptions that the Monster was downloading memories from Eko in the 23rd Psalm and that Yemi was a manifestation of the island generated by the Monster are good ones.
4. Eko said "You're next" and Locke interpreted it as "We're next".
5. Eko died on his own terms.
6. The producers wouldn't answer if the island was constantly moving.
7. We might come to learn what happened to all the doctors in future episodes.
8. Our time on "alcatraz" will be over in episode 3.06.
9. Damon and Carlton use The Stand and Charles Dickens novels as good models for telling a long, sprawling, serialized character-based story.
10. We will return to the Black Rock.
Source: ABC
Nikki and Paulo Get a Flashback Episode
Mr. Eko Says Goodbye
"With the other characters who died — Boone, Shannon, Ana Lucia and Libby — "there was a quotient of shock value but there was the idea that it made sense, that it was the characters' time," co-creator Damon Lindelof said. "I think the audience may feel that Mr. Eko was taken before his time. The way that he dies is very significant. It is more spectacular, as it were."
When planning Mr. Eko's untimely demise, the writers looked at the episode in the second season in which Mr. Eko came face-to-face with the monster inhabiting the island and refused to relent, Lindelof said. What if the monster did not give up, as it seemed at the time? What if the monster was "just intelligence-gathering for a later date?"
"We wanted to make clear that the monster remains a dangerous force," executive producer Carlton Cuse said."
Lost Comments of the Week on Pop Candy
The Tail Section Presents Mini-Season Awards
Ausiello Talks with Carlton and Damon about Eko's Death
Episode 3.05 The Cost of Living
Alright, now that's taken care of...what a great episode. It had a little bit of everything we have come to love about Lost. Trust issues, psychological issues, moral choices, a quest through the jungle, a white rabbit, and the Monster. Oh yeah, and the flashback was first rate. The flashback was right up there with Eko's from the 23rd Psalm. He was right, they had no idea who he was.
So Eko experiences a white rabbit much like Jack (his father), Hurley (Dave), Kate (the black horse), and Shannon (Walt). The white rabbit led the follower into harm's way with Hurley (suicide) and Shannon (to Ana Lucia's gun). It is becoming increasingly bad news to follow the white rabbit into the jungle. The white rabbits must be real because otherwise how would Eko's tent have caught fire? Also, the whole "You're talking to me as if I was your brother" line made me wonder who is behind the white rabbits. Ben? Some other group? Someone out there is making people believe they see something from their past. If the end game is just killing people, that is sort of an odd way to go about it. Is the Monster a greater threat than the Others? If it is, great, how are you supposed to kill a moving tower of smoke? Jack even tried dynamite and that didn't do anything. At least he's having better luck with his current captors.
How did Jack figure out that it was Ben that had the spinal tumor? Can he figure out the height or age of a person by looking at a spine. I'd be interested to hear from a spinal surgeon on that one. Anyway, Jack is getting ahead of the Others now. His psychological gamesmanship and the ability to see those x-rays for what they were has helped him gain control despite being imprisoned. Good old Jack.
They burnt the body instead of burial. I guess they didn't want the bears to dig it up.
So Desmond did think/know that the computer could be used for something else. That would have been nice to know at the beginning of season two so that Michael didn't get tricked so bad. Since it didn't end up working I'm assuming that it was not Desmond's ability to see the future that made him tell Locke and Sayid about the computer.
Ben believes in God because two days after being diagnosed with a tumor a spinal surgeon fell from the sky. Interesting.
Yemi's body was missing from the plane, Christian Shepard's body was missing from his coffin. Why does the Monster or whoever is behind the Monster need or want the remains of people connected to others on the island? At least we are seeing a pattern.
I am starting to like Nikki and Paulo. They just want to part of the in crowd. Good thing Locke lets them. I also like Paulo's indifference to a lot of what is happening. Going the bathroom in the Pearl Station. Classic moment. Nikki is good because we need a new female character that doesn't have quite the outlaw back story of Kate or the mystery of Juliet. Plus, she's hot, that's always a plus.
So Juliet does think Ben is bad. She wants Jack to purposely screw up the surgery to kill Ben. Can he trust her? She is good looking. But I doubt Jack will be able to kill, even if he does want her. He is too bent on saving people. I think he would need to know more about Ben and how "bad" he really was in order to kill him.
And now the Monster wants to kill the rest of the group? Great. Why did it discriminate before? Did blowing up the Hatch piss the Monster off? Apart from that nothing has really changed. Darn you black smoke!
Episode 3.06 Spoiler
"Someone from TWoP read the script of Kate's episode and Kate's choice is.... SAWYER. No, this is not a surprise for me but still, is very very good to hear. BUT the good thing is... Okay, Sawyer tells Kate there is two islands. There is a bickering and at some point I think (from what I read)Sawyer says he wanted to give them a chance (I think there is a double meaning because I think he meant chance to escape and to be a couple or whatever). Dun Dun Dun DUUUNNN than Kate KISS HIMMMMMMM *dies of excitement*. The person didn't want to read all the script because she didn't want to be really spoiled so she stopped there... but she implies they may have sex. Just like Damon implied, now if they did it MY TV WILL COMBUST and I WILL NEED A DOCTOR. Must teach my sister to make a CPR!!!!
Spoiler: 'Sawyer tells Kate that there are two islands, there's no point trying to escape, then they bicker about it and then, well, I stopped reading (see above) but you probably imagine what happens next. Think dirty thoughts'."
Elizabeth Mitchell Interview on TVguide.com
Who is Patchy?
Radzinsky is in the previews? Uh, no. We haven't seen Radzinsky because he's dead. We could only see him in a flashback. So you're a little off with that guess.
So that means "Patchy" is someone who is alive, right? Guess we'll see tonight.
J.J. Abrams to Direct 'The Office"
Lost Winds Towards Startling Mini-Season Finale
Don't worry, other Lost fans won't be mad at you for jumping back on the bandwagon, we want as many people watching Lost as possible. The watercooler conversation is a lot better that way.
Official Lost Podcast Summary 10-31-06
1. There is a special Stephen King reference hidden in Every Man for Himself (they didn't say but my money is on the bunny).
2. As for implications of the second island, they said only that escape would not be as easy as originally thought.
3. In the Glass Ballerina, Jae did commit suicide. They said the mystery surrounding Jae's death was unintentional.
4. They mentioned Sawyer's daughter Clementine but said nothing definitive about her.
5. There are two major outcomes of Colleen's death: the x-ray picture that Jack noticed and that Pickett, Colleen's husband, might seek some vengeance.
6. Cost of Living is an Eko story and someone significant will die.
7. They plan to do the break in the middle of the season thing next year as well.
8. The polar bears escaped during the collapse of Dharma like the lions at the Baghdad zoo that escaped during the fall of Baghdad.
9. The bears have eaten 20 people so far (said in a we might be joking but you don't know type of way)
10. No, Ben is not "evil because the polar bear stole his toy truck when he was little."
11. As the hatch began to implode a vacuum was created which heated the particles of air and created a subsequent explosion.
12. Charlie was not directly involved in the explosion.
13. Eko will not wake up blind.
14. Yes, Kate does love Sawyer.
15. There is a good possibility of discovering a gay character on the show. 4 to 1 odds.
16. They are currently writing episode 10, which will be a Hurley flashback.
17. When characters don't know who died, Scott or Steve, it is just an extension of the same old gag. There is no large significance to the Scott/Steve thing.
18. The turbine man from the pilot was Gary Troupe, the author of Bad Twin.
19. Paulo and Nikki will be in episode 3.05.
20. The show will eventually answer the question of what all the other survivors are doing while Jack and company are going off on their adventures. It would "make a good episode."
Juliet Shoots Someone
Although not until February…
According to an Entertainment Weekly article:
On a remote Hawaiian beachscape where turquoise waves slither up tan sands, Josh Holloway, Evangeline Lilly and several others (including Others) are filming a whopper of a scene for a February episode of LOST. Spotting this reporter through the trees, Elizabeth Mitchell scoots over… “Well,” she says, cheerfully excusing herself, “I’m going to go shoot someone.” Cameras rolling, she expertly wields a Sig Sauer and pumps two bullets into someone shocking; the still-standing are left gasping as she coldly lowers the gun.
Special thanks to Nikki at Approaching Lost for the tip.
Episode 3.04 Every Man for Himself
Gotta love Jack trying to save someone again. Jack tries to fix things, that's what he does. His character is most effective when that's what's going on. Apparently, he's there to fix an Other. Someone commenting about the episode on Pop Candy wrote that they think it is a x-ray of Locke and that's why he couldn't walk. I'm not buying. I guess the Black Cloud could have taken the x-ray...but still, I'm not buying it. I believe that Jack will get the chance to fix someone and succeed. It will probably be someone that they need to defeat the crazy pirates (or so it seems from the promo) in the series finale. I also want Jack to get a chance to "fix" Juliet. She needs someone like Jack, how convenient that he landed on the island.
Desmond can most definitely predict the future. The questions are how much does he know and if he will be able to protect everyone. His ability will come in handy with those crazy pirates lurking. Maybe they are descendants of the Black Rock. How come Rosseau doesn't know about the crazy pirates? Maybe she just figured they were all Others. Did the crazy pirates steal the children and the rest of the tailies? Is that why Goodwin and Ethan needed to go make lists? So they knew who was on the plane before the crazy pirates started infiltrating or kidnapping? So many questions.
What do the Others need Sawyer for? Will he be a key part of fighting the crazy pirates? He is one of the stars...
While Sawyer was waking up, Mr. Friendly or Tom, was saying that ever since the Hatch blew up the Others' communications haven't been working. Makes sense. That electromagnetic energy would destroy a lot of electronics. Did it mess up the compass in Michael and Walt's boat? Will they be back? That puts the Others at a big disadvantage if they have to face the crazy pirates. No way of communicating with the outside world. And another thing, why didn't the crazy pirates attack the subdivision that the Others live in? They have to have ways of protecting themselves.
Paulo was kind of ticked about Desmond taking his five iron. How can you resent people for trying to save the day? I'd be interested to see what makes that guy tick. That is, after we learn how Locke got paralyzed. Of course, seeing how things are going, that will probably be the flashback for the series finale.
The second island. Hhhmm...I'm guessing it's hidden from the mainland somehow? That's one question they will have to answer pretty quickly because Locke is gonna attempt a rescue.
So maybe we have misunderstood the Others and they are really trying to prevent the crazy pirates from taking over the world. They definitely weren't the best at making themselves understood and certainly don't mind hurting people (but not killing mind you!). A little "Can you guys help us destroy the crazy pirates before they take over the world?" could have gone a long way.
Even though tonight raised a whole bunch of questions I feel that they were all questions that are leading us somewhere. We are moving towards something big. It's like we are on a roller coaster that is climbing and somewhere along the way we are going to reach the top and it is going to rocket us down. Of course we will probably have to climb again and take a second drop before the end of the show...but I'm ok with that. If only it were Wednesday tomorrow...sigh...
Official Lost Podcast Summary 10-25-06
AAA said what he liked most about his character, Eko, is that he fits no stereotype. He is a mass murderer with devotion who has a "redemptive quality" that makes him accessible to the viewers.
AAA also stated that the sort of kidnapping and murder by gangsters and warlords that was depicted in "The 23rd Psalm" does not really happen in Nigeria. However, he said that it was still an extremely well-received episode in his home country.
What AAA thinks that makes Lost so interesting is the dynamic that appears because no character is safe. He believes it adds to the tension and the overall arc of each character. "Week to week you have no idea if a character will be able to overcome a nemesis". He also ominously hinted that more of that would be appearing in season 3 "for sure"!!
Lost's Return Date Announced
When it returns in February, "Lost" is scheduled to run with all-original episodes through the end of the season.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter, Coming Soon
24 Trailer
Click on the link for the 24 Season 6 trailer: www.24trailer.com
Lost Spoilers for Kristen at E!Online
The following is an excerpt from Kristen at E!Online Hot A's Column.
Though I spent this past Monday twitching from chat withdrawals, I really do love the new site! My Q: On Lost, is Kate's "love confession" distinct from her notorious "choice?" Or are the two things one and the same? —Leah Kate
From what I’ve heard, it is one and the same. Though I’m only 99 percent sure on that, given how things have been changing from the script! Don’t forget that I’ll be watching this Wednesday’s Lost with you (at 9 p.m. Pacific Time) on the message boards. And ooh, mama, it’s a crazy episode! Not only do you see the most dramatic exchange between Kate and any man ever on this show (hint: It is a life-or-death love confession), but you can expect the following happenings:
- An animal “dies”
- An Other dies
- Sawyer has a heart-wrenching storyline
- Sawyer finds his Westmoreland and someone else very close to him
- We find out Juliet and Jack have one very big thing in common
Episode 3.06 Description
Jack makes a decision regarding Ben’s offer, Kate feels helpless when it looks like an angry Pickett is going to make good on his threat to kill Sawyer, and Locke discovers a hidden message that may guide him through the next steps of his journey to unlocking the secrets of the island.
Guest starring are Kiele Sanchez as Nikki, Rodrigo Santoro as Paulo, M.C. Gainey as Mr. Friendly, Tania Raymonde as Alex, Michael Bowen as Pickett, Nathan Fillion as Kevin, Eden-Lee Murray as Suzanne, Mark Stitham as minister and Frederic Lane as the marshall.
Source: ABC
Episode 3.03 Further Instructions
As for my theories, I think the saying on Eko's Jesus stick may have been telling Locke where to look for Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. We shall see.
In the previews for next week, it appears Sawyer is going to be tortured until Kate confesses her undying love for him. It also seems that they will make Jack watch and in that way drive him to Juliet. I'm hoping when Locke comes to get them that Juliet escapes with them. I wonder when that escape will happen. Episode 6? Episode 7 and 8 are probably more likely alternatives so that we have to come back after the hiatus.
Doc Jensen's Lost Mystery Hot Sheet
Official LOST Podcast Summary
Caution: This contains spoilers.
The podcast started with Terry O' Quinn expressing his joy at having the chance to destroy the computer at the end of season 2. Then, in regards to Locke's admission that he was wrong about the button to Desmond, O'Quinn said "Maybe there'll be some evidence to the contrary this season."
Then the podcast moved over to Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof for their usual banter and q&a session. Here's a list of the interesting things they said:
1. Pickett and Colleen are an item.
2. They had decided in season 2 that Sun had actually had an affair with Jae.
3. Things are looking good for Sawyer and Kate (as a couple).
4. When Ben said that he has been living on the island all his life it implies that there were people on the island before the Dharma Initiative, which started around 1980 (as per the orientation films). Rosseau arrived on the island about the same time as the Dharma people. Carlton also said that one should also remember the statue and the Black Rock.
5. We will see the return of Locke as man of the jungle.
6. We will probably be seeing more of Shannon.
7. A confirmation of if you're dead you're dead on Lost. You will only return through flashbacks.
8. We will find the Flame Station in season 3.
9. We will find out about Jack's tattoos in season 3.
10. Assuming that Ben is talking about himself in season 2 when he is talking about the leader of the Others is a good assumption, but don't close the door on the possibility of another leader.
11. Claire and Charlie could become another Lost triangle.
Episode 3.05 Synopsis
Source: ABC
Episode 3.04 Guest Stars
Source: ABC
Episode 3.03 Synopsis
Source: ABC
Earthquake Doesn't Hurt Lost
Hawaii Quake
The Stand and Lost
Lost Blogs and Links
Lost S3E2
Another great episode. I've not usually a fan of Sun and Jin flashback episodes. That being said, I actually liked the flashbacks in this epsiode better than the first episode of the season. Maybe I just don't like the episodes that feature the dark side of the characters I like. I like Jack and think Sun is passable. So, it's ok that Sun has a dark side but not so ok that Jack has one. Or maybe I'm overanalyzing this whole thing. Anyway, I like the episode. I thought Sawyer analyzing his captors and trying to figure out their weaknesses was right in line with his character. He is no doubt trying to figure out a way to con them. I saw a post on the The Fuselage where the person posting thought that Kate had turned a little wussy recently. I agree with that. Where is the bravado she showed early on in the series. Maybe she's breaking from all the stress. I like the Red Sox cameo and the effect it had on Jack. Every Sox fan was stunned by the victory and the dramatic fashion of it, but to have it be the first tv you have watched in 66 days, or better yet, the first contact you had with the outside world for 66 days, it would be absolutely stunning. Now hopefully Jack will pretend to be a pawn in the Other's plans and then betray them in order to be the one who "fixes" the situation with the other castaways. I am interested to see the effect that Sun shooting the new other has on her standing with them. I want to see how Sayid reacts to the failure of his plan, I can't wait to see Hurley again and just see how he handles the whole ordeal, and most of all, I am excited to see what happened with Locke, Desmond, and Eko. They are such a great part of the show, it was hard to go 2 episodes without them.
Site Redo
Dish Network Fails Me
The Nine
Lost Season 3 Begins
1. Ben (Henry Gale) and Juliet were at one time an item?
2. Why is Stephen King's Carrie Juliet's favorite book?
3. Where exactly on the island do the Others live? The island looked pretty dang big when the camera zooms out so you can see the town and where the 2 parts of the plane crashed.
4. How has Rosseau not visited them in her 16 years?
5. How do they have CDs and dossiers on people that landed on the island? They must have more access to materials than just the Dharma air drops.
6. Would Ben have really let Jack kill Juliet or was it just a bluff?
7. Why separate Jack from Sawyer and Kate? How do they intend to treat them differently?
8. Does the Dharma Initiative still exist in some form? Jack, Kate, and Sawyer seem an awful lot like lab rats right now. The h is Dharma does stand for heuristics which are reactions. What is the point in testing the reactions of these 3 individuals?
9. Do the Others inject themselves like Desmond did?
10. Will Karl appear again? Will other characters that were abducted by the Others make appearances? Will the Others get their comeuppance?
Only 3 more seasons (or so) to figure all that out and more.